Our Annual Report 2023
Annual Report – 2023
We are proud to present to you The Little Miracles Trust Annual Report for 2023 which tells our story of the work we do and the neonatal families we support. We of course couldn’t do what we do without the incredible generosity of businesses, donors and volunteers for which we are incredibly grateful.
Latest News
Emily – 24 Weeks, Reflecting Back One Year Later
As told by mum, Kristin It seems quite fitting that we have been reflecting a lot on the past year as we approach our daughter’s 1st birthday. This last year we have experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows and has been the hardest and most...
Violet – 27 Weeks Gestation
As told by mum, Aleisha, We did IVF to have our daughter due to my husband (Nic) having Huntingtons disease. My pregnancy was difficult, I suffered from a subchorionic haemorrhage and hyperemesis graviderum. I went to the doctors at 26+3 weeks gestation because I...
Our story – Beau Taylor
As told by mum, Emma 11th of September 2021 was the beginning of a journey we could never have imagined. After feeling a bit off (yet sure I was being paranoid) I went for a check at the labour ward, 24w and 4days pregnant. A quick check by the doc and I could tell...