by Justine Brooker | Feb 5, 2025 | Latest News, Personal Stories
As told by mum, Jess I had a pretty rough pregnancy right from the beginning. I’d been extremely sick each day and was classed as a high risk pregnancy from 12weeks with most likely being induced at 38 weeks. I was having specialist appointments and growth...
by Justine Brooker | Jan 24, 2025 | Latest News, Personal Stories
As told by mum, Haylee My partner and I were nervous but so excited to be pregnant with what would be our 4th child between us. Having 3 boys already we were convinced that we would be blessed with another boy. You can imagine the excitement when we found out we were...
by Justine Brooker | Dec 17, 2024 | Latest News, Personal Stories
As told by mum, Maddie My husband and I were thrilled to be expecting our first baby one year into our marriage. While my pregnancy started with severe sickness that improved by the second trimester, I became increasingly concerned when I didn’t feel my baby move. At...
by Justine Brooker | Dec 6, 2024 | Latest News, Personal Stories
As told by Mum, Kelly Ollie was born at 40 weeks and 2 days, but his arrival into this world was nothing like I had imagined. Having experienced a drug-free birth with my first child, I felt prepared. Yet this time, from the start, something felt different. The...
by Justine Brooker | Nov 27, 2024 | Latest News, Personal Stories
As told by mum, Tayla My husband, 2 year old son and I live in Whangarei and were excited to be pregnant with our second baby. After a very easy first trimester we turned up to our 12 week scan to find out I was carrying identical twin girls! It was a huge shock and...