My First Mothers Day

My First Mothers Day

As told by mum Vanessa Last year’s Mother’s Day held an extraordinary significance for me—it was my first as a mother.  My son, born prematurely at 27 weeks and 1 day, weighing just 634 grams, was nothing short of a miracle. Throughout my pregnancy, we...
Alexia and Indie

Alexia and Indie

As told by parents Clare & Paul We are the people you hear about who decide to have a third child and then end up with a bonus one! But it was such a journey to get them both here. We are incredible lucky and so very grateful to the wonderful doctors and nurses at...
Jenson – born at 30weeks

Jenson – born at 30weeks

Jenson Stephen Peter – 5 November 2022 / 30.5 weeks – Wellington hospital, as told by mum Zoe As I share Jensons birth story, Jenson is currently bulldozing around the lounge, as a rambunctious, charmingly cheeky, food monster one year old. Jenson was a...
My birth story

My birth story

As told by Ginny, My story starts a little before the twins birth.  Early on in my pregnancy, I got diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum, so I was feeling pretty miserable.  My husbands boss went on holiday and he ended up working 28 days straight, so I was a single...