We're here for a very simple reason. To make a difficult start to life that little bit easier.
Donate NowLearn MoreWe do this by supporting parents and whānau through a time that no one is prepared for.
A newborn surrounded by monitors and tubes, not hugs and cuddles. A hospital stay lasting weeks or months, not hours or days. Eyes filled with tears of sadness and worry, not tears of happiness and joy.
These are the times you need someone who knows what you’re going through to tell you it’s going be alright. Someone who can give you the kind of support and resources that will make all the difference.
Someone who can say “We’re here for you”.
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Many parents or extended whānau want to give back to The Little Miracles Trust to acknowledge the support that they received.
Supporting Parents
The Little Miracles Trust provides a range of free services available to the whānau of premature and sick babies who require neonatal care, both NICU and SCBU.
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About The Little Miracles Trust
Originally called The Neonatal Trust, we were established in 1986 by two Wellington families with extremely premature babies. We are a registered not-for-profit which now operates right across New Zealand
The Trust works to provide and coordinate support to the whānau of premature and sick full-term babies, as they make their journeys through neonatal intensive care, the transition home, and onwards.
This is done in many ways: the provision of Care Packs on entry to a unit; morning teas to bring whānau and experts together; equipment for families to use in the units; post-discharge playgroups and coffee mornings.
We currently have team members in Auckland, Middlemore, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin with a constant drive to expand into all areas. Most of our team members have first-hand experience of time in a NICU or SCBU. So we know exactly what it’s like – and just how to help.

Latest News
Maya – Our Greatest Gift
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A Recount Of Ollies Birth
As told by Mum, Kelly Ollie was born at 40 weeks and 2 days, but his arrival into this world was nothing like I had imagined. Having experienced a drug-free birth with my first child, I felt prepared. Yet this time, from the start, something felt different. The...
Double the Love, Double the Fight: Our Prem Girls
As told by mum, Tayla My husband, 2 year old son and I live in Whangarei and were excited to be pregnant with our second baby. After a very easy first trimester we turned up to our 12 week scan to find out I was carrying identical twin girls! It was a huge shock...