The Little Miracles Trust in Auckland was very lucky to be chosen as one of eight beneficiary charities for The Ports of Auckland Round the Bays whch took place on Sunday 8 March 2015.
We were very fortunate to receive a cheque for $7,000 last week. These funds will go towards the purchase of much needed specialist chairs for Kangaroo Care, enabling The Little Miracles Trust in Auckland to provide a valuable resource that can be used by the Auckland NICU. The NICU only use specialist chairs that are made from materials that are easy to keep clean and maintain due to the nature of the environment in the neonatal intensive care units. This means that the kangaroo cuddles can occur for a longer period of time increasing the skin to skin bonding between parents (mothers and fathers) and babies is maximised.
**In late May, our two brand new Seddon Electronic Recliner Chairs were delivered, for the purpose of Kangaroo Care. These are the Units first fully electric chairs and ideal for C-Section recovery. Thanks to Ports of Auckland Round the Bays for making this possible!** (See a picture below).
Thank you to The Ports of Auckland and all those who participated in the Round the Bays.