Nerissa helps with World Prematurity Day
Nerissas son Max was born at 25 weeks gestation weighing in at 870grams. He spent nine weeks in Aucklands special care baby unit and then a further nine weeks in Whangarei SCBU. Max is now a healthy bright 4 year old and excited to be starting school soon. On 17th of November Nerissa was instrumental in helping host a morning tea at the Whangarei Unit to celebrate World Prematurity Day.
More than 5000 Kiwi babies go through a neonatal unit every year, with 350 cared for at Whangarei’s special care baby unit. World Prematurity Day is a chance to celebrate premature babies and raise awareness of the challenges they and their families face.
You can read the full article here
** A special thank you to all the volunteers who assisted making World Prematurity Day a great success ***
Interested in how The Little Miracles Trust supports families going through the stress and anxiety of a neonatal journey?
Here’s a gallery of support examples.