Wellington based volunteer Kaye Wilson has been busy sewing hundreds of fun and funky theatre caps to help support The Little Miracles Trust. These theatre caps are super popular and come in a variety of designs, such as animal designs for veterinary staff and childrens designs for dentists and surgeons operating on children. The Kiwiana ones are popular for N.Z. theatre staff working overseas, with the most sought after design being Starwars!
The theatre cap designs are for sale in the Wellington NICU at just $20 each. If you are outside Wellington, and would like to purchase, please contact Raewyn or Tasia on office@littlemiraclestrust.org.nz
Below is a list of our current theatre caps for sale:
- Starwars
- Avengers
- Wonderwoman
- Spiderman
- Dr Who
- Pug Dogs
- Playful Dogs
- Dolphins
- Ferns
- Pacifica
- Planets
- Chess
- Tools
- Snowboarding
- Lightning McQueen Cars
- Vintage Cars
- Bikes
- Robots
- Frogs on Lime Scooters
- Roses
- Paisley
- Gerbera Flower
- Netball
- Batik
- Butterflys/Bugs
- Christmas
- N.Z. native birds
- Zebras
- Silver Ferns
- Buzzy Bee
- Fantails/Flowers
“I thoroughly enjoy sewing and always have. It is one of my happy places. Sewing for The Little Miracles Trust allows me to give back to the community that helped me when my daughter arrived early. I love creating the theatre caps and book covers. I get to be creative and get pleasure from seeing what fabrics have been chosen each time. When I’m not sewing, I’m working as a project manager for a government agency, being a ballet mum to my now 12 year old daughter, or you can find me at my other happy place, Maia Crossfit” ~ Kaye Wilson
This is not Kaye’s only time supporting The Little Miracles Trust, she’s been volunteering her time and skills since her daughter was born prematurely in 2008 and you can see more on her time volunteering for us here.
A huge thank you to Kaye for all the hours she spends volunteering her time and skills for us. We really appreciate all your hard work and we cannot provide our support to families and their precious babies without ‘Neonatal Heroes’ like you.