Thank you!

During the month of March 2019 Baby Sensory ran a ‘Senseathon’ to raise funds for The Little Miracles Trust. This was a fun, themed event where parents and their babies and/or toddlers were invited to come along in Superhero themedBaby Sensory - Precious Early Learning for Babies fancy dress and were tasked with completing special fun ‘superhero challenges’ during the Senseathon classes, helping to rescue the Sun from the evil Saby Bensory while also raising funds and awareness to support other babies and families during their neonatal journey.

You can check out some of the awesome photos from the event below

Our heartfelt thanks to Baby Sensory and all those who participated in this wonderful event and choosing to support the work of The Little Miracles Trust.

This support follows on from similar overseas Baby Sensory Senseathon events which raise funds for other neonatal causes (eg, Tommys in the UK).

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Toni and Andy from Baby Sensory Christchurch for sharing the neonatal journey of their gorgeous son Harry.  You can read all about Harry’s unexpected early arrival here.

About Baby Sensory

Dr Lin Day (PhD, M.Phil, PGCE, BSc, Dip Ed), is one of the UK’s leading parenting experts and a renowned author within the field of childcare and education. With over 35 years of practical experience working with parents and children and driven by the passion and commitment to offer the best possible service, Dr Lin Day developed Baby Sensory, Toddler Sense and Baby Foundations to provide the support and knowledge necessary to lead baby learning and development forwards in the most important first years of life (and ran classes herself for 9 years).

Baby Sensory programmes are based on research, so it’s fantastic that they are able to support future neonatal research through their Superhero Senseathon event

•The 2019 Superhero Senseathon fundraiser raised $8,362.90 to support the work of The Little Miracles Trust

•There are 11 Baby Sensory franchises currently in New Zealand, across both the North and South Islands

•1,100 babies per week attend a Baby Sensory session across the country

To learn more: Head to

Or check out their Facebook page

Thank you Baby Sensory!
