On April 3 Esme Moala had Israel, Emmanuel and Eliana. This made the household 7 kids under 7 years of age!

The triplets arrived via a booked in C-section at MIddlemore Hospital at 34 weeks. They weighed 2.6kg, 2.9kg and little Eliana was 1.9kg. 

“They said they are not going to kick us out until Eliana’s ready to come home. So hubby’s at home with the four kids and I’m here with them,” Esme, 27, says. She’s not so worried about looking after so many little kids, “it’s more the logistics”. They can stay in their Tuakau home because her brother-in-law made two sets of bunk beds.

Read the full article from Stuff.co.nz here.


Multiples are a not uncommon sight in NICUs and SCBUs – as they are 40% more likely to come early.