A consistent theme we encounter is the special people involved (in the care of neonatal babies and the wider support of the families). We’re extremely grateful to all those who provide their ideas, time, support and donations to The Little Miracles Trust.

We want to highlight these great people and below do so and thank the wonderful Leah Green who has helped us support neonatal families in a number of different ways.

Volunteer profile, Leah Greenlarge_LeahGreen_ProfileShot.jpg

What have you done in your role as a Volunteer / How did you fundraise for The Little Miracles Trust?

I only started volunteering for The Little Miracles Trust at the beginning of 2017. Most of the work I have done is administrative. I’ve been a big part of a project to update our contact database and organise those who would like to volunteer also. This meant making lots of phone calls to many different people! I also have done some donation collections in the Wellington region.

How did you come to volunteer/fundraise for The Little Miracles Trust?

I’ve always been interested in working with families and new-borns and want to take that path with my nursing career (as I am studying to become a Registered Nurse). I came across the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the amazing work that is done there. I also saw and read how being admitted to the unit can take its toll on families. I really wanted to do something now to help and that’s how I came across the Little Miracles Trust. I read about the amazing work they do to help families and also the support they give to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit’s. This pushed me to raise my hand and volunteer.  

What is your favourite part of volunteering / fundraise for The Little Miracles Trust?

Talking to people who have had neonatal journey’s and how much the appreciate the support they receive. It’s amazing to know that the support the trust gives has such a positive impact on people lives. The other part is meeting the people involved with the trust. They are all lovely and really good at communicating with volunteers.

What do you do when you aren’t volunteering / fundraising for The Little Miracles Trust?

I am a twenty year old who is in the last year of her degree so most of the time I am studying! If not that then I am out working in the regional hospitals on nursing placements. I also work part time as a support worker. With the rest of my free time I am meeting up with friends, dancing and catching up on Netflix!

What do you wish other people knew about The Little Miracles Trust?

I think it would be good for more of the general public to know what support the trust provides and how they can help. That way families can know that there is support available for them if they ever need it.

How many other people do you know who have had a neonatal experience?

I’m sure I will meet many in my future when I’m working as a nurse. I think everyone knows someone who has been through a neonatal journey. My partner was born prematurely and spent a lot of time in the Wellington NICU and his parents always look back fondly on the support they received while he was at the unit. He is now 21 and very tall so looking at his old tiny baby booties is a good reminder of how life started for him.

What other volunteering / fundraising have you done, if any?

I’ve done small things while at high school and some volunteer mentorship work with students. Other than that this is my first big volunteering venture.


Thanks so much for your support Leah.  We can only provide our support to neonatal families because of great people like you!

For links to other Volunteer profiles, FAQs and details of how you can help, head here.