A consistent theme we encounter is the special people involved (in the care of neonatal babies and the wider support of the families). We’re extremely grateful to all those who provide their ideas, time, support and donations to The Little Miracles Trust.

We’re highlighting these great people with a regular profile piece and recently caught up with Rae . . .  


Volunteer Profile: Rae from Tawa

Christmas Stockings1.    What have you done in your role as a Volunteer?
For the last 9 years (3 years for the NICU ward) and (6 year for The Little Miracles Trust shop) I have knitted and donated 85 pure wool blankets to the shop every year to sell.

For the last 2 years I have knitted an additional 55 blankets to give as Christmas Presents for the babies who are in NICU Wellington and SCBU Lower Hutt on Christmas Day.  

I have also made Christmas Stockings (pictured to the right) for the last 3 years to sell in the shop and are currently making some to sell at their Thorndon Fair stall.

2.  How did you come to volunteer for The Little Miracles Trust?
Through a friend of a friend. (has not had any connection or known anyone  with a baby going through NICU).

3.  What is your favourite part of fundraising for The Little Miracles Trust?
“To know my work is appreciated”.

4.  What do you do when you aren’t volunteering for The Little Miracles Trust?
I am married with 3 children and have 7 grandchildren all based in Wellington.

5.  What other Volunteer Work have you done?  
I have done Volunteer Work for the last 52 years since I got married.  Some of the other organisations I have helped are Plunket, Woman’s Rotary Group, Church, Pregnancy Help, Longview Resthome in Tawa (craft group for patients), School (parent help).

6.  Every year we hold a Knitter’s Volunteer Thank You Morning Tea and Tour – did you find this valuable?
“It was such an eye-opener just to see how small the babies in the unit really are”. 


For links to other Volunteer profiles, FAQs and details of how you can help, head here


Below, NICU graduate Sariya enjoys the warmth and comfort of the wonderful blankets knitted by Rae.







Interested in how we support families going through the stress and anxiety of a neonatal journey?  
Here’s a gallery of support examples