One the reasons New Zealand has such a high quality of clinical care and understanding is the robust research undertaken in this field. This is research developed under a strong framework and with appropriate safeguards, checks & balances and control groups. Below is another example of this and they are seeking babies to participate in order to reach the desired number of those involved.
Would you help by participating and/or spreading the word with your connections?
Massey University would like to invite you to take part in their Feeding Babies study. This aims to develop and validate a tool to assess dietary quality in infants aged between 9 and 12 months. This study is being led by Ashleigh Jackson and Owen Mugridge, supervised by Dr Cath Conlon and Dr Kathryn Beck, School of Food and Nutrition, College of Health, Massey University.
Researcher(s) Introduction
The lead researchers for this study are Ashleigh Jackson and Dr Cath Conlon
Ashleigh Jackson
MSc student – Nutrition and Dietetics School of Food and Nutrition. Massey University, Albany
Email –
Phone: 0272 348 626
Owen Mugridge
Research Trials Manager School of Food and Nutrition. Massey University, Albany
Email –
Phone: (09) 213 6650
NB. All questions to be sent to Ashleigh Jackson in the first instance please. The Little Miracles Trust are supporting with spreading the word and raising awareness of the study.
Why is this research important?
It is well known that a baby’s diet is important for their early growth and development. To assess a baby’s diet there is a range of dietary assessment methods available. Some of the traditional dietary assessment methods are time consuming and not appropriate to the infant population. These methods also focus on nutrients rather than food groups. Therefore, the aim of this study is to validate a new quick and easy dietary assessment tool, a dietary questionnaire against a traditional gold standard method (food diary) to assess its validity and accuracy to assess diet.
Participant Identification and Recruitment
We are looking to recruit 100 mothers and their 9-12 month old infants
Participants will be required to complete the ‘Feeding babies’ questionnaire and then complete a 4-day weighed food diary regarding their infants diet over 2 weeks
A researcher will contact the parent after the completed food record is received to verify the food record and to check for completeness
4 weeks after completing the ‘Feeding Babies’ questionnaire and food diary the parent will be asked to repeat this questionnaire
Parent will receive receive general feedback on recommendations for dietary intake based on current New Zealand Ministry of Health guidelines for infants
What are the benefits and risks of taking part in this study?
Participants will receive general feedback on recommendations for dietary intake based on current New Zealand Ministry of Health guidelines. If participants do not have their own set of food scales, participants will be provided with a set to complete their infants weighed food diary. There is minimal risk associated with participating in this study
How will the data be used?
The data will be used for the purposes of this study. Results of this study may be published or presented at conferences or seminars; however, no individual will be identifiable. Only the investigators of the study will have access to personal information and this will be kept secure and strictly confidential.
Participants will be identified only by a unique study identification code and all data forms will use this code. The data forms will be stored in a locked filing cabinet in the Human Nutrition Research Unit, Albany Campus, Massey University. The electronic data will be stored on computers, which are protected by passwords, in locked offices of the Human Nutrition Research Unit.
How will the data be disposed of?
At the end of this study the list of participants and their study identification codes will be disposed of. Information collected from Survey Monkey will be downloaded and online files deleted. Any raw data on which the results of the project depend will be retained in secure storage for 16 years, after which time it will be destroyed.
How will I access a summary of the project findings?
A summary of the project findings will be available to all study participants and you will be sent this information by email.
Participant’s Rights
You are under no obligation to accept this invitation. If you decide to participate, you have the right to:
decline to answer any particular question;
withdraw from the study until data collection is complete;
ask any questions about the study at any time during participation;
provide information on the understanding that your name will not be used unless you give permission to the researcher;
be given access to a summary of the project findings when it is concluded.
Committee Approval Statement
This project has been reviewed and approved by the Massey University Human Ethics Committee: Northern, Application (NOR 15/061). If you have any concerns about the conduct of this research, please contact Dr Andrew Chrystall, Chair, Massey University Human Ethics Committee: Northern, telephone 09 414 0800 x 43317, email
“This project has been evaluated by peer review and judged to be low risk. Consequently, it has not been reviewed by one of the University’s Human Ethics Committees. The researcher(s) named above are responsible for the ethical conduct of this research.