ICAP New ZealandIn late 2014, The Little Miracles Trust had the privilege of being chosen as a recipient of ICAP New Zealands efforts on ICAP’s Global Charity Day. On December 4th 2014 they pledged one hundred percent of the revenue and broker’s commissions made on the day to go directly to charity. Simply Amazing!

Worldwide, ICAP raised an amazing 8 million pounds! 
To learn more about the day, head to: www.icapcharityday.com 

On the day, ICAP raised an amazing $28,500 for The Little Miracles Trust, which will go towards equipment support for the care of neonatal babies. Working together with ICAP and the Wellington Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the bulk of these funds have gone to purchasing a ‘bioamplifier’. This is a specialised piece of equipment that is used for monitoring and data capture and will be used on babies born at the extreme ends of prematurity. The close monitoring of fragile babies is critically important and the outputs will also assist several neonatal studies aimed at enhancing the care and monitoring of neonatal babies. This includes a new study that will look at different ways of measuring blood pressure and brain oxygen levels in premature babies in their first few days to enable medical professionals to develop new strategies aimed at improving the babies’ brain development. 

The bioamplifier is important because it will give more detailed recordings of heart rate, blood pressure and brain oxygenation levels. This will add another level of detail to the conventional monitoring and give additional insights into the factors that put premature babies at greater risk of developing medical conditions as children and adults.

Richard from ICAP in NICU 
We are delighted that, along with the support from great partners such as ICAP, we can play a part in supporting the enhanced care provided in the NICU. Having an environment where the very best care for our most fragile babies is both delivered and developed is amazing. 

To the team at ICAP, we can’t say thanks enough. You truly are Neonatal Heroes!  Your efforts truly have helped to make a difficult start to life that little bit easier. Also, it’s important to acknowledge that it is the second year that ICAP have supported The Little Miracles Trust. We were also a recipient of their 2013 ICAP Charity Day – details on this on the link below.

On the left, Richard Petersen from ICAP in the NICU when the Bioamplifier was used for the first time. 
We are incredibly grateful for the support of organisations such as ICAP who choose to support The Little Miracles Trust and make examples of support such as this possible.


Braxton Gradwell in Wellington NICUThe bioamplifier was monitoring and recording data from Braxton Gradwell on the day Richard Petersen from ICAP came and visited the Wellington NICU. Braxton, pictured to the right, was born on December 23rd 2014 at only 24 weeks gestation (16 weeks early) weighing just 732 grams. 

To read about ICAPs support in 2013, click here:

To learn more about the research of Dr Max Berry, click here:

Every year the ICAP team like to have fun and dress up when doing the serious business of fundraising. This year was a Pirate theme and below are some photos of ICAP in action on the day.

ICAP Pirate Action_1

ICAP Pirate Action_2ICAP Pirate Action_3





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