Mojo Coffee has finished their second annual Phone Appeal for The Little Miracles Trust and managed to easily eclipse the number of phones collected last year!
This year’s efforts were astounding, with a total of 1255 phones (785 in 2013) donated by Mojo customers and supporters of The Little Miracles Trust. These have now been packaged up and sent to Fone fund for recycling – so a double win of raising funds for The Little Miracles Trust and also reducing waste from our landfills. Once processed by Fone fund we will know how many are able to be fully recycled as parts and what figure was raised for The Little Miracles Trust.
***Update November 2014: $4,030.98 was raised from the recycling of the phones! Thanks to the great team at Mojo and all that helped out***
Thanks galore
The campaign wouldn’t have been possible without the great help from a range of people and organisations. Our thanks go to:
- Mojo Coffee, who have been a passionate supporter and partner to The Little Miracles Trust for over a decade. This is another great example of their support. Throughout the month of August, they had collection points set up in all their stores for people to donate their old phones
- The Roxy Cinema, Cafe Palms, all Jeff Gray BMW dealerships and PGG Wrightson stores at the top of the South Island who were also collection points for the campaign
- The great folk at Weta Workshop, The Roxy Cinema and Coco at The Roxy who joined Mojo in providing prizes for the Corporate prize pack (see more below)
The organisations who helped out by collecting phones at their workplaces, including:
– The Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO)
– The New Zealand Racing Board
– Provoke Solutions
– Trade Me
– AMP Insurance
– Exodus Gym
– Registered Master Builders New Zealand - All those organisations who spread the word and directed their staff to drop old phones into their local Mojo
- The volunteers and supporters who helped spread the word about the campaign. A special thanks to Sam Walker, Cath Bailey and Tim Bennett for helping to sort and box a very large pile of phones!
Corporate prize
Mojo Coffee is proud to announce that the winner of the corporate prize, which goes to the organisation that collected the most old phones, is the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO). Through the efforts of their staff, BCITO collected and donated 104 phones. Ruma Karaitiana, the CEO of BCITO, says “We are glad to have played our part in supporting such a worthy cause.” BCITO is the largest provider of construction trade apprenticeships in New Zealand and have offices throughout the country.
Their prize pack consisted of:
• A tour of the Mojo Coffee Roastery and a 2 hour coffee training course for 10 people
• A family pass from Weta Studios ~ get a chance to see the magic for yourselves with a Window into the Workshop tour
• A Roxy Cinema family pass to the movies
• CoCo at The Roxy sharing plate experience that included one of each of their evening sharing plates as well as sides.