Brody Sheppard is doing what any newborn should, even though his due date is not for another three weeks. At 8 weeks old, Brody went home for the first time yesterday, after arriving almost three months premature in a dramatic early arrival.
His mum, Jamie-Lee Graham, and dad, Dion Sheppard, were overjoyed to be taking their newest addition home to Tairua, where he would meet big sister Cassie-Lee. “We both can’t wait to see the reaction from our daughter to see her brother for the first time,” Mr Sheppard said. “It’ll be great to have my family back together again.” Brody has been in Waikato Hospital’s Newborn Intensive Care Unit, where 16-month-old Cassie-Lee was not allowed because of the susceptibility of premature babies to illness.
Check out the rest of this article on Brody and his family: