The many people who donate their time and money and raise funds for The Little Miracles Trust are Heroes – to both the Trust and also the many people who we help and support.
Tracey Thomson-Lamplough is a great example of a ‘Neonatal Hero’. Tracey has committed to running the Rotorua marathon with a buggy and raising funds for The Little Miracles Trust. Her son Charlie was born premature and after spending 2 weeks in the Neonatal Unit, she “wanted to give something back and to help those who are going through similar and more difficult situations than we did”.
The pieces fell into place when away training for work and before she knew it the title ‘mad woman running with a buggy’ was born! To learn more about Tracey’s story, go to her Fundraiseonline page: The page includes a link to her blog also, if you wanted to keep up to date with the training progress.
Tracey, The Little Miracles Trust thanks and salutes for your efforts. Good luck for the Rotorua Marathon in May!