Page 40 - What to Expect
P. 40

During your stay

        Where can I get knitting or clothes for small babies?

        The Neonatal Trust sells a knitting book called Knitting for Prems that
        contains patterns specifically designed and measured to fit our small

        It is very important that knitted items should be 100% wool as nylon
        and acrylic can cause sweating and dry skin.

        You could try and recycle unused clothing into very cute baby clothes
        so they need not be an added expense at an already financially and
        emotionally stressful time.

        Thinking ahead to when you go home

        Rather than having a set weight at which babies go home, each baby is
        assessed individually. Your baby must meet the following criteria before he
        can go home:
               He is breathing on his own
               He is able to feed all meals from either the breast or bottle

               He can maintain his own body temperature
               He is gaining weight regularly

               The consultant is happy for him to go home.
        Often, if you are from out of the area, prior to going home your baby
        is likely to be transferred to the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) or
        children’s ward of your local (home town/city) hospital. This is a very
        good transition from the Unit for your baby and yourself. It allows more
        parent involvement in your baby’s routine and can be helpful to make his
        transition from hospital to home a little easier.

        After the shock of your baby’s need for care in the Unit has worn off a
        little, you may relax a fraction and get into a routine with your baby. Give
        yourself time, we all know it’s really difficult. Think positively, and take each
        hour as it comes.

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