Page 36 - What to Expect
P. 36

During your stay

        Some people believe bonding only happens with breast-fed babies, but
        this is untrue. Mothers bond beautifully with bottle-fed babies too.
        Infant milk formulas provide all the necessary vitamins, nutrients and
        minerals that a new baby needs for healthy growth and development,
        though doesn’t contain the protective factors that breast milk contains.
        While you still have your baby in the Unit, you can ask for advice about
        which formula to use and how to make this up. Staff can provide you with
        a current Ministry of Health pamphlet on the correct way of making the
        formula. Ask friends, family and nursing staff who have bottle-fed, which
        equipment they have found to be appropriate for their babies and why, or
        discuss it with the homecare team.

        You may want to discuss bottle-feeding and formulas with your baby’s
        nurses and doctor, especially if there are family allergies with milk
        To feel confident about feeding your baby it is important to understand
        the principles of making and storing formula before your baby comes
        home. There is an excellent video in the Unit on the principles of making
        and storing infant milk formula.

        Keeping a record of your baby

        It is a great idea to keep a record of your baby’s time in the Unit. The
        photographs and tiny foot prints will show everyone later how small your
        baby once was.

        If you want a record of your baby’s progress through the Unit, try to
        take lots of photos, your child will be interested to see them when he is
        older. Take pictures of the whole incubator and its surroundings. Some
        people hold a pen or a ring next to their baby to show the size difference.
        Photographs of significant events such as the first hold, first breast or
        bottle-feed, first bath or first hold without attachments are a testimony to
        the progress your baby is making.

        Remember to note the date on your photos, or note what he was wearing
        on the day you took that particular photo so you can match them all up
        later. Photographing with a flash will give you better results.

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