Lesson-Plan-pages.jpgAs part of our awareness activity based around World Prematurity Day, we have produced a number of lesson plans and resources for teachers to use. The resources, developed with the assistance of teachers, are appropriate for a range of ages and will help play a part in raising awareness of:

  •     prematurity and sick babies; and
  •     The Little Miracles Trust, and the support we provide to the families of sick and full-term babies.

 The resources available include:

  •     teacher information on prematurity and The Little Miracles Trust
  •     worksheets for children to take home to complete
  •     details and photos of premature babies
  •     a crossword
  •     a word find
  •     a word scramble
  •     knitting patterns (for small beanies)

*** Register for the resources on this link. ***
NB. Registering ensures you get the latest version of the resources and we can also send through any updated material.


Can you help?
It would be great to have your support in getting the word out about this activity.

We have prepared an overview document with details and this is available as a PDF here: littlemiraclestrust.org.nz/schoolsoverview

For schools that are keen to access and use the resources, free registration is available at: littlemiraclestrust.org.nz/registerforschoolresources
We’re asking our supporters if they can help spread the word and approach their school to see if they would be willing to be involved and run lessons using these resources. The PDF document provides a good high level overview and directs teachers to where to find more information and register.

As well as the lesson plans, we are asking that schools consider supporting us with a fundraiser. Details of this are included on our website as teachers follow the registration process.
For the fundraising, we have been lucky to receive support from the Nursery and Gardening Industry Association of New Zealand: www.nginz.co.nz.

Those schools that consider running a fundraiser should be aware that:

  • The first 20 schools to register to undertake a fundraiser will receive 50 copies of Kids Go Gardening magazine (summer issue out 31 October) and a $50 Go Gardening voucher to use for their school
  • Every school that undertakes a fundraiser on our behalf will go into a random draw to win one of three $500 Go Gardening vouchers.

 ‘Go Gardening’ gift cards can be redeemed at any participating Go Gardening store nationwide. View the full list of stores.

GG Gift Card.jpgGo Gardening gift cards have many benefits, including:

  •     You can select a value from $25 to $1,000
  •     They are delivered to any address in New Zealand
  •     The scheme is owned, operated and backed by Nursery & Garden Industry New Zealand (NGINZ).



Our thanks
This activity wouldn’t have been possible without the support of a number of people and organisations.
Our thanks go to:

  • The Nursery and Garden Industry Association (NGINZ) who have provided the Go Gardening vouchers to support this activity, www.nginz.co.nz
  • Zeus Te Ahuru, from Tahi Design, who helped out with the design and creation of the PDFs
  • Judy Hitchcock a neonatal nurse who provided content for the teacher resources
  • The families who shared their photos and details of their premature babies for use in the resources
  • The teachers who assisted with the resource creation and checking
  • Ocular who provided design support for digital and supporting material, www.ocular.co.nz

We’re very grateful for their support.