Page 70 - What to Expect
P. 70

Going home

        Some women find themselves counting the weeks of the next pregnancy.
        If you find yourself doing this with your next pregnancy, you will
        understand that it is a very normal thing for someone who has had a pre-
        term baby to do.

        Depending upon the circumstances, having a second or third child in the
        Unit may not be as stressful as the first time. Second time around, you are
        aware of how the Unit functions. Things do change, so you cannot expect
        the same staff to be there or looking after your baby.
        Next time you may be more assertive with your role as a parent in an
        intensive-care environment. You may know more and want to do more for
        your baby. You will have some knowledge of the types of treatments and
        cares a pre-term or special care baby will receive.
        Speak to the staff about your previous experience. Let them know how you
        feel and what your hopes and expectations are for this new baby.
        You may be able to do things that you were unable to do last time. Things
        such as taking more photos, being there more, perhaps breast-feeding for
        longer. With the next pregnancy you will have learnt from the first, and
        hopefully things will be better for you and your family.

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