Page 84 - What to Expect
P. 84


        Patent ductus arterlosus (PDA): A typical situation in preemies where the
        fetal blood vessel which links the aorta and the pulmonary artery does not
        close following birth.
        Phototherapy: Treatment for jaundice that involves the use of ultra-violet
        or halogen light directed at the baby in the incubator. Treatment usually
        lasts for several days.
        Pneumothorax: A leak of air out of a baby’s lungs, but still within the chest
        cavity. This can press on the lungs and will usually require draining away
        outside the body through a tube.

        Pulse: The rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery with blood
        flow which may be felt with the finger.

        Pulse oximeter: A monitor which measures the amount of oxygen in the
        baby’s blood stream. It is usually fixed to the foot or the hand. It has a red

        Plasma: The fluid component of blood in which the blood cells are

        Prone: Describes the position of the baby, when lying on his stomach.
        Respirator: A machine (also known as a ventilator) that regularly pumps
        air in and out of the lungs when a baby cannot breathe for himself.
        Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): The abnormal growth of the blood
        vessels of the eye, seen in many premature infants. This happens because
        the blood vessels are not finished developing at the time of a premature
        infant’s birth. They have to finish developing outside the protected
        environment of the womb.
        RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome - also known as Hyaline
        Membrane Disease): Usually baby’s lungs are kept open by a chemical,
        called surfactant that everyone has in their lungs. Some babies have less
        surfactant and the alveoli (small air sacs in the lung) start to close up,
        making it really hard for baby to breathe. The baby develops RDS, that is,
        has increasing difficulty in breathing. Babies are ventilated and may be
        given artificial surfactant.

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