Sensathon SuperheroThe Little Miracles Trust is priviledged to have the support of Baby Sensory  

For some time, we’ve been working together and sharing information to help those on a neonatal journey.  Using their research based material, we’ve co-produced support material:

To see details of these, and the other Support resource, head to:

Baby Sensory - Precious Early Learning for Babies


A ‘Senseathon’ to raise funds and awareness

To provide more support to The Little Miracles Trust, Baby Sensory are running a ‘Senseathon’ fundraiser in March 2019.  The key details are:

  • The Senseathon will be a fun, themed event run by Baby Sensory.  Parents and their babies/toddlers will be tasked with completing special fun ‘’challenges’’ during the Senseathon classes, while supporting other babies by raising funds for The Little Miracles Trust – there will even be a chance for the babies (and grown ups!) to dress up in fancy dress!
  • The support of The Little Miracles Trust follows on from similar overseas Baby Sensory Senseathon events which raise funds for other neonatal causes (eg, Tommys in the UK)
  • The funds raised will support neonatal research plus our other support of neonatal families in New Zealand


About Baby Sensory

Baby Sensory - Precious Early Learning for BabiesDr Lin Day (PhD, M.Phil, PGCE, BSc, Dip Ed), is one of the UK’s leading parenting experts and a renowned author within the field of childcare and education.  With over 35 years of practical experience working with parents and children and driven by the passion and commitment to offer the best possible service, Dr Lin Day developed Baby Sensory, Toddler Sense and Baby Foundations to provide the support and knowledge necessary to lead baby learning and development forwards in the most important first years of life (and ran classes herself for 9 years).

  • Baby Sensory programmes are based on research, so it’s a great link to be able to support neonatal research through the Senseathon
  • ‘Sensathon’ fundraiser has been run in the UK, with success (Supporting ‘Tommys’ a UK neonatal charity)
  • There are 11 Baby Sensory franchises currently in New Zealand
  • 1,100 babies per week attend a session

To learn more, head to 


About Neonatal research

Research supported by The Little Miracles TrustOne of the three core objectives of The Little Miracles Trust is to aid neonatal-related medical research. The Little Miracles Trust is proud to support neonatal research, as it creates enhanced outcomes for thousands of future neonatal babies. 
Note: All research we support has appropriate ethics sign off.

New Zealand is a world leader in neonatal care and neonatal research.  We’re proud to have supported many research programmes that contribute to enhanced understanding and outcomes (through changes to clinical care).  These include research looking into the:

  • long term outcomes for neonatal babies (vs the general population)
  • effectiveness of blood transfusions (and ways to enhance these)
  • impact of creatine and other treatments and supplements on brain development

You can view details of specific neonatal research programmes on this page.

For additional insight, here’s a couple of articles on Dr Max Berry and her teams work: