Special delivery of premature twin simulators to NICU
The lives of premature babies, some as small as 500grams are being saved with the help of new premature baby simulators.
Premature Anne twin baby manikins were donated to Waikato Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to provide realistic training experiences for medical professionals who work with these tiny babies. This support comes from The Little Miracles Trust and is a result of being the Charity partner of the 2017 NZFMA Thomson Reuters Charity Golf Classic.
Regina Marias, local Chairperson for The Little Miracles Trust was delighted to hand over the resus dolls to NICU.
“We are extremely grateful to the New Zealand Financial Markets Association (NZFMA) and Thomson Reuters for choosing The Little Miracles Trust as their charity of choice for their annual fundraising event”
“Providing realistic training experiences will help save these tiniest of lives and reduce the chances of complications.”
NICU charge nurse manager Chantelle Hill said that the team were very grateful for the donation.
“They allow us to undertake valuable training to enhance the care of our premature babies.”
“Currently our new rotation of registrars are using the resus dolls daily to practice their intubation skills.”
“We also have some consultants come from other DHBs to practice on these simulators.”
Giving health professionals the right tools to develop and practice their skills is key, and that’s why two Premature Anne simulators were provided. These are state of the art, realistically proportioned 25 week premature manikins, designed for simulation training for healthcare professionals involved in resuscitation and care of premature babies. Providing realistic training experiences will help save these tiniest of lives and reduce the chance of complications.
Both the Wellington NICU and Waikato NICU received Premature Anne manikins, along with necessary support equipment and resources. Between these two units, every year, they care for over 2,000+ neonatal babies. The care of these fragile babies will be greatly enhanced through better trained staff.
New Zealand operates a centralised care model where those babies needing critical care are cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) in the main centres. Babies born below 30 weeks gestation (10 weeks early) and/or with critical health needs, will be transferred from the regional Specialist Care Baby Units (SCBUs) in the regional cities to a NICU. Due to this, families from across New Zealand will be helped through this support.