A new study could help thousands of Kiwi families get a better understanding of what the future holds for premature babies. This 1 news item covers the work being undertaken by researchers from the University of Otago. They are using a vast database of information to track what happens to the children in later life. 

Using information from Statistics New Zealand’s database researchers are tracking every pre-term baby born from 1992 onwards and comparing them to full-term births. 
Looking closely at health, education, employment and social data, they hope to get a good picture of what happens as they grow up. 

Paediatrics specialist Max Berry says the research will be hugely beneficial in helping them to know what happens to premature babies once they leave the hospital. 
She says they “may have certain challenges ahead of them, but if we understand those challenges and look them face on, we can do things to help and support before there is a big problem.”

To watch the piece that featured on 1news, head to: www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/new-research-could-help-thousands-nz-babies-born-prematurely 


To read more about the work of Dr Max Berry and her team, you can read these earlier articles from our website:

Neonatal research success:  staging.littlemiraclestrust.org.nz/2017/04/18/neonatal-research-success

NIMO studies update:  staging.littlemiraclestrust.org.nz/2016/06/14/nimo-studies-update

Dr Max Berry and neonatal research:   staging.littlemiraclestrust.org.nz/2017/02/02/max-berry-and-neonatal-research

The Little Miracles Trust is proud to support neonatal research. Increased understanding and enhancements to clinical care will help thousands of babies for years to come.