Inara Lintott had only a 5 percent chance of survival at birth – tube feeding saved her life. But, as the months and years went by, her mother Bonnie feared tube feeding was failing their little girl. Battling reflux, Inara wasn’t gaining weight, wasn’t eating and wouldn’t eat – hooked up to a tube feeding machine, which she dragged along behind her.

Inara was a toddler who had never experienced hunger and it was no kind of life for her or her family. The Lintotts fundraised $70,000 and took Inara to the Graz Clinic in Austria, which runs a rapid weaning programme, acting as a kind of ‘tough love’ for tummies. Children are basically starved; they feel hunger pains and for the first time reach out for food to eat.

One year on and Inara is all sorted and making up for lost time. Bonnie’s attention has now turned to hundreds of other tube-fed children. Read more and watch Jendy Harpers’ Campbell Live story here: