We’ve just launched an enhanced website! Neonatal Phone_mobile site_0.png

Websites and technology in general move quickly and some changes were required. The new website will help us to better convey who we are and what we do also provide information on both our activity and also neonatal issues in general.

As well as a new design and layout, importantly it scales for optimum use on smartphones and tablets – so important given the rapidly rising amount of visitors on these devices. Also, there is an enhanced news section with the ability to search by content type (and it will have more frequently updated content).   

The changes wont stop here. Our attention now moves to working our way through the site and further updating the content. We are already working on an enhanced online shop and a few other features to keep improving the site. Also, we are developing a regular email newsletter which will use the new design and keep recipients up to date with key updates and information. If you would like to receive the email newsletter, please do connect with us.


The new site couldn’t have been possible without help. A big thanks go to:

  • Our Partner Matt Renner, for his work on developing the website features and overall build
  • Our Partner Ocular, for the website design and new images (banners, tiles, etc)
  • Our Volunteers Justine Brooker, Holly Hunter and Janine O’Styke for their help with the content review and editing